Principal's Message

Welcome to Macquarie Primary School's website.

Students are at the centre of all decision making at Macquarie. Our values are persistence, integrity, and excellence. These values embed an inclusive and wholistic vision to support every child; academically, socially, emotionally and as a global citizen.

We believe deep learning occurs when students feel safe to take learning risks, when mistakes are seen as part of learning growth and when students are in predictable, supportive learning environments. Macquarie Primary School is an inclusive, friendly, and safe learning environment where students demonstrate our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) values of safe, respectful, learners.

Having students at the centre of all we do at Macquarie means that wellbeing is our biggest focus. We have numerous wellbeing programs and acknowledgements, one of which is our wellbeing dog Mirri. Mirri supports our students to focus and engage with learning, as well as supporting co-regulation and increases sense of belonging.

Macquarie Primary School provides a well-balanced student-centred educational model which places emphasis on all aspects of The Australian Curriculum. We believe we need to foster and nurture curiosity in students and allow them to inquire into the world around them developing meaningful knowledge connected to their real-life experiences, enabling them to become lifelong learners.

In our classrooms, questions, both teacher and learner initiated, help drive student learning. As part of this process, we explicitly teach students how to be self-managers, communicators, collaborators, thinkers, and researchers. We use the Inquiry Cycle of tuning in, finding out, sorting out, going further, reflecting, and taking action to guide students in their learning and discovery to become lifelong learners, build strong communities, and build a future that is innovative and sustainable.

At Macquarie our specialist teachers teach; dance, drama, music, visual arts, PD/H/PE, French and Technology. Research shows a strong relationship between the cognitive capacities developed through learning and communicating in dance, drama, media arts, music and the visual arts, and students’ academic and social skills. Positive effects of young people involved in arts-rich education programs include achievements in reading, language, and mathematics development, increased higher order thinking skills and capacities, increased motivation to learn, and improvements in effective social behaviours.

Here at Macquarie, we are passionate about developing our outdoor spaces to include hands on, practical application of learning to promote wellbeing and engagement. We have a Food Forest which includes an orchard, wicking beds, perennial garden, green house, and resident horticulturist. The Food Forest and Micro Forest have been developed in consultation local First Nations people. These outdoor learning spaces allow students to engage in learning; scientific inquiry, connection to and responsibility for Country/Place, traditional uses of plants, growing food organically, caring for the Earth and sustainability, as well as providing a space to relax and be mindful.

At Macquarie Primary School we have an amazing school community that work to continuously grow our school. We foster genuine partnerships in and out of our school with the broader community. Our active P&C Association support the school through building parental connections such as hosting education forums, working bees, grants, and fundraising. We welcome volunteers and have wonderful volunteers who support all aspects of our school.

Macquarie Primary School is an amazing community of learners, and a wonderful place for students to begin their lifelong learning journey. If you would like further information about Macquarie Primary School, please feel free to contact us.

Kristy Grant
