A-Z Information



Class rolls are marked electronically every morning by 9:10am. We ask that parents contact the school when a student is going to be late or absent, as we are obligated to record reasons for absences. Please also let us know if your child is likely to be absent from school for a prolonged period. Unexplained absences are followed up by the school.

Absence SMS/text message: You will receive an SMS/text message around 10.00am if your child has been marked absent from their class. Please use the SMS/text message as a reminder to contact school and provide a reason for your child’s absence. This text message goes to the parent/carer mobile numbers in each family. 

Accidents, Illnesses, Injuries and Incidents

Students are encouraged to report accidents and incidents to a teacher. If a student has an accident on the school grounds, they are either accompanied by a buddy to the front office for first aid or the school first aid officer will attend. If necessary, parents will be notified and asked to take their child home. For accidents and incidents of a more serious nature, an ambulance will be called, parents notified immediately, and an incident report completed. Parents and carers will be notified in the event of any head injury. Parents can request a copy of an accident/incident report from the front office.


Macquarie is an anaphylaxis aware school. We work with families to ensure student needs are understood and to support children who have allergic reactions to certain foods. Restricted foods change over time and we use the newsletter to convey changes as necessary.


In keeping with ACT Government Policy, families who walk their dogs to and from school are reminded to arrange a drop off and meeting spot outside the school fence. Any animals visiting the school need to have applications submitted and approved before they present on site. 


Appointments with the staff can be arranged by contacting the teacher via email or approaching them before or after school.

Aqua Safe Swimming Program - Year 2

All students in Year 2 are invited to participate in the Aqua Safe Swimming Program run by Royal Life Saving ACT. This is a unique water safety and awareness program designed specifically for students in the ACT. It runs 5 days over one week during school hours. The ACT Government subsidises student participation in this program, however there are costs associated with this activity. There is financial support available; this can be arranged by speaking to the P-2 team leader. The Aquasafe program is also offered to any year 3 students who did not participate when they were in year 2. For more information: https://www.education.act.gov.au/public-school-life/Our-Curriculum/aqua-safe-water-safety-and-awareness-program


Arrivals and Departures

Arrival: The ideal time for students to arrive at school is between 8.45am-9.00am. This will allow students the best possible start to the learning day. A staff member is on duty outside from 8.45am. We ask students to move to the blacktop areas upon arrival at school in the morning and remind students to move slowly around these spaces. Students are to wait outside the school buildings unless accompanied by a parent or carer. In wet or extreme weather students are able to access the buildings early. If students need assistance before school they should seek out the duty teacher or go to the front office.

Late arrivals: Students arriving at school later than 9.10am are required to sign in at the front office and collect a red late slip to present to their teacher. 

Departures: We encourage students to go straight home after school. If there are any issues, students should go immediately to the front office.

Early departures/pick up during school hours: Students are not to leave the school without permission during school hours (9.00am - 3.00pm). Parents/carers must sign students out at the front office and provide a sign out slip to the class teacher, or the duty teacher during recess or lunch, before taking children out of the school. Please avoid recess and lunch times. 

Assemblies and Monday Morning Lines

Assemblies: Whole school assemblies are held in week 5 and week 10 of each term. Assemblies are held on the Wednesday in the Hall between 2:15 and 2:50pm. Assemblies generally have an art focus where students showcase their skills. Cohorts take turns hosting an assembly. Parents and friends are always welcome.

Monday Morning Lines: occur regularly throughout the year. Students gather in class lines on the Namadgi blacktop to be welcomed and hear any messages, PBL Certificates are also handed out at Monday morning lines. The rest of the week students meet teachers at their agreed class meeting points.


Assessment at Macquarie is ongoing and helps teachers shape high quality teaching programs and appropriate learning experiences. Assessment outcomes allow teachers to report effectively to parents on their child's progress. Teachers use a range of assessment, including:

·        BASE:A program endorsed by the ACT Education Directorate to assess the literacy and numeracy skills of students in kindergarten. BASE is conducted early in term one and early in term four. Parents receive a summary report indicating their child’s level of achievement at the end of each term in which the assessment is completed. For more information http://www.education.uwa.edu.au/base

·        National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN): NAPLAN is an annual assessment for all students in Years 3 and 5. It tests skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. The assessments are undertaken every year in the second full week in May (term two). All assessments are completed online, except writing in year 3. A schedule is sent home to families beforehand. If your child is sick during the testing period we will arrange a catch-up session if time permits. NAPLAN results are sent to parents in September/October.


Attendance at school is a legal requirement for students six years and older as outlined in the Australian Education Act 2013.

Awards and Certificates

Merit Certificates: At our fortnightly assemblies, students from each class are awarded merit certificates for effort or achievement in any area of the curriculum or improvement in their approach to learning. Families are advised beforehand that their child will be receiving an award. Student names are also published in the newsletter.