Student Leadership

Student Leadership

Students at Macquarie have opportunities to participate in a range of leadership activities including:

·        Buddy program: Encourages senior students to support their peers with a variety of activities including reading, fitness, and art and craft.

·        Student Representative Council (SRC): At the beginning of the year, two representatives from each class are elected to serve on the SRC in kindergarten to year 6. The SRC meets fortnightly with a teacher to discuss, implement and monitor student-initiated suggestions and activities.

·        School Captains: In term four all year 5 students are invited to nominate for the positions of School Captain for the following year by addressing the criteria. Students prepare a presentation, and four students from Year 5 are elected by their peers. 

·        House Captains: At the beginning of the year, two students (year 5 or year 6) from each sporting house are elected by their peers to be House Captains. Their role is to prepare and lead their house at carnivals across the year.

·        Technology Team: run the technology in the hall for assembly and other events



