Start of the Year/First Day of School

Start of the Year/First Day of School

Please check the Macquarie Primary website and Facebook page for the first day of school date relevant to your child.

· Beginning of week preschool children, kindergarten and new students start on Monday of week one.

· Students in years 1-6 start on Tuesday of week one.

· End of week preschool group starts on Thursday of week one.

Class Lists are displayed on the noticeboard near the front office.

The Uniform Shop is usually open at extra times in the week before school starts and during week one.

On the first day of school…

· Preschool

· Kindergarten: Please arrive between 8:45-9:10 and make your way to the kindergarten classroom. Signage is on display to direct you to the classroom. (On subsequent days school begins at 9.00am). Students and families are accompanied to their classroom by School Captains and/or year 6 students. Activities such as puzzles, drawing construction and play dough are available for children to engage with. Families are invited to stay and participate in activities. Between 9.15am-9.30am parents say goodbye to children.

· New students: Please come to the front office to find the location of your child’s classroom. Your child will meet their teacher. On subsequent days school begins at 9.00am.

· Years 1-6: On the first day of school, children are requested to assemble with their classmates on the Namadgi blacktop to be welcomed and introduced to their teachers. Students are then guided to their classroom by their teacher. Parents are welcome to stay with children for the first few minutes of the day.

First day checklist

  • Belongings clearly labelled
  • Uniform
  • School bag
  • Fresh fruit or vegetables for fruit break - cut into manageable pieces for younger children
  • Snack for recess
  • Lunch
  • Water bottle
  • SunSmart hat
  • Be at school by 9.00am
  • camera!


