Library/Resource Centre

Library/Resource Centre

Our library is an important part of our learning environment. Our librarian works closely with classroom teachers to support class programs. Classes have scheduled time in the library each week, fostering information literacy skills and a love of books and reading. Regular borrowing is actively supported. Younger children are encouraged to bring a library bag on their library day. We welcome parent and volunteer support in the library.

Opening hours – for students: The library is open during lunch every day for student borrowing.

Opening hours – for families: The library is open for families Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 8.30am-9.00am.

Book limits:

· Preschool to Year 2 – two books

· Years 3/4 - three books

· Years 5/6 – four books

Borrowing period: Books can be borrowed for 2 weeks with the possibility of renewal.

Family borrowing: Families can set up a library account and borrow up to ten books.

Electronic and online resources: Students have access to e-books and e-audiobooks via the school's online library catalogue ‘Oliver’ or vis To access Oliver use the Digital Backpack to access the online catalogue. Students will need their student login details (account name and password) to get on to the digital backpack before proceeding to Oliver. Please contact the front office if your child requires assistance accessing their account. To access items through please go to the website and look for borrower ACT Education Directorate information.

Parent resources: We have a growing set of parent resources available.

Library Trust Fund: see fact sheet here about how to contribute to enhancing our library.