Arrivals and Departures

Arrivals and Departures

Arrival: The ideal time for students to arrive at school is between 8.45am-9.00am. This will allow students the best possible start to the learning day. A staff member is on duty outside from 8.45am. We ask students to move to the blacktop areas upon arrival at school in the morning and remind students to move slowly around these spaces. Students are to wait outside the school buildings unless accompanied by a parent or carer. In wet or extreme weather students are able to access the buildings early. If students need assistance before school they should seek out the duty teacher or go to the front office.

Late arrivals: Students arriving at school later than 9.10am are required to sign in at the front office and collect a red late slip to present to their teacher. 

Departures: We encourage students to go straight home after school. If there are any issues, students should go immediately to the front office.

Early departures/pick up during school hours: Students are not to leave the school without permission during school hours (9.00am - 3.00pm). Parents/carers must sign students out at the front office and provide a sign out slip to the class teacher, or the duty teacher during recess or lunch, before taking children out of the school. Please avoid recess and lunch times. 


